Friday, December 21, 2007
Merry Christmas!
Have a Merry Christmas everyone and enjoy your two weeks at home! Thanks for all the wonderful gifts, but the best gift is seeing you trying your best and learning so many new things. Keep reading as often as you can. The library has some great books to borrow if you get a chance to get in or run out of books at home.
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Great job at the concert today!
Great job at the concert today, everyone. I hope you had fund singing "Rudolph", and watching the other classes in the morning. Tomorrow, the middle and high school concert will be at 7pm if you want to come and see that one with your parents. Don't forget, no cafeteria all week, so keep brining your lunch.
Monday, December 17, 2007
Last Week Before Christmas!!!
Important Reminders:
*No Cafeteria all week, so please bring a lunch.
*Elementary Concert Tuesday at 1pm. (My class wear a red shirt and bring antlers.)
*Grade 6-12 Concert Wednesday at 7pm.
*No homework this week for Kindergarten, except to read and practice sounds each night.
*No Elementary Drama this week.
*Last day before Christmas is Friday and it is a full day.
*No Cafeteria all week, so please bring a lunch.
*Elementary Concert Tuesday at 1pm. (My class wear a red shirt and bring antlers.)
*Grade 6-12 Concert Wednesday at 7pm.
*No homework this week for Kindergarten, except to read and practice sounds each night.
*No Elementary Drama this week.
*Last day before Christmas is Friday and it is a full day.
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Great job Drama club!
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
The countdown is on!
Only 8 days of school left in 2007!
K-2 Jones:
*Bring antlers for the Christmas concert, and wear a red shirt (or dress) on concert day (Tuesday, December 18th)
*Monday, December 17th is the last day for the cafeteria.
*Practice your sounds every night. We will finish the last of the sounds this week!
*Practice your tricky words: you, your
*Finish your homework duotang and game by Friday. No homework next week.
*Read a book every night, and return your reading bag every morning.
Other reminders:
*Elementary drama presents their play "Things Could Always Be Worse" tomorrow night at 6pm (Dress rehearsal at 3pm). Admission $5/person or $10/family.
*We will present the play to K-5 on Friday at 11 am.
K-2 Jones:
*Bring antlers for the Christmas concert, and wear a red shirt (or dress) on concert day (Tuesday, December 18th)
*Monday, December 17th is the last day for the cafeteria.
*Practice your sounds every night. We will finish the last of the sounds this week!
*Practice your tricky words: you, your
*Finish your homework duotang and game by Friday. No homework next week.
*Read a book every night, and return your reading bag every morning.
Other reminders:
*Elementary drama presents their play "Things Could Always Be Worse" tomorrow night at 6pm (Dress rehearsal at 3pm). Admission $5/person or $10/family.
*We will present the play to K-5 on Friday at 11 am.
Friday, December 7, 2007
Awesome Snowmen!
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
Snow, Snow, Snow
Winter has arrived! Please send hats, mitts, boots and ski-pants with your child.
Today is the last regular drama practice. Next week, we will have our dress rehearsal at 3pm on Wednesday (Dec. 12) , and then will perform our play at 6pm for parents and families. Thursday morning (Dec. 13) , we will perform it for the elementary school at 9am.
Homework for Kindergarten:
*Practice tricky words: are, all
*Practice sounds every night.
*Finish homework duotang and game for Friday.
*T-shirt orders are due tomorrow for Kindergarten!
*On Friday, Home Hardware ladies are coming to do a craft with us in kindergarten.
Reminder: There is no school on Monday, as all the teachers are travelling to Fundy High school for grade level meetings with the other teachers in our district.
K-2 Jones: Practice Rudolph for the Christmas Concert. Can you name all 8 reindeer?
Today is the last regular drama practice. Next week, we will have our dress rehearsal at 3pm on Wednesday (Dec. 12) , and then will perform our play at 6pm for parents and families. Thursday morning (Dec. 13) , we will perform it for the elementary school at 9am.
Homework for Kindergarten:
*Practice tricky words: are, all
*Practice sounds every night.
*Finish homework duotang and game for Friday.
*T-shirt orders are due tomorrow for Kindergarten!
*On Friday, Home Hardware ladies are coming to do a craft with us in kindergarten.
Reminder: There is no school on Monday, as all the teachers are travelling to Fundy High school for grade level meetings with the other teachers in our district.
K-2 Jones: Practice Rudolph for the Christmas Concert. Can you name all 8 reindeer?
Monday, November 26, 2007
Christmas is only a month away!
Great job at the telethon on the weekend, to everyone who participated!
It was great talking to so many parents on Thursday and Friday. If you ever have any questions or concerns, feel free to call or stop in at any time. An extra set of hands is always welcome!
Our K-2 class is finishing up our introductions for our KON project this week, and we should get to meet the kids from Bristol by the end of the week (virtually of course!).
On Friday, we have an assembly at 9am.
Homework for Kindergarten:
*Practice sounds and tricky words (to, do)
*Finish homework duotang and game by Friday.
*T-shirt orders
Monday, November 19, 2007
Report Cards tomorrow!
Thanks to everyone who sent in the $2 for the anti-bullying show this afternoon. Terry Kelleher entertained the children with funny songs and a couple of tricks, as well as giving the message to not be a bully.
Report cards will go home tomorrow. Parent-teacher interviews are Thursday from 6:30-8:00, and Friday from 9-11:30. Please send back the form letting us know when you plan to attend.
There is also a survey in the report cards about blogs. Obviously if you are reading this, then you have discovered the homework blogs all ready. Please send back the survey with your child. There will be a short (15 minute) session about the blogs on Thursday at 6:30 in room 39 (Ms. Ward's room) for anyone interested.
On Wednesday at 9am, we have another interesting presentation by the Maritime Marionettes. Thanks again to everyone who also sent in $2 to help cover the cost of this show as well.
Homework for Kindergarten:
*Practice your sounds and tricky words.
*Read your guided reading book and do a reading response on the night it comes home.
*Finish homework and game by Thursday this week.
K-2 Jones homeroom:
*We have started a new Knowing Our Neighbours project with a grade 1-2 class at Bristol Elementary School called Winter Wonders. This week we started working on our introductions. In December, we will create a Christmas ABC book together and compare and graph weather in the two villages. In January, we will create presentations about different animals found in our area to send to Bristol. The children are very excited at starting a new project and in meeting a new class of kids.
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Thanks vets!
Kindergarten Homework:
*Practice sounds each night.
*Practice tricky words: me, we
*Complete homework duotang and game by Friday
*Practice reading words on fish (in words)
*Read your book tonight "Maria Counts Pumpkins" and complete one Reading Response question.
*Tomorrow we go to the Fire Station
*On Thursday, read book "My Book of Numbers" and record it in your reading log. You can also write in any other books that you can read by yourself (for instance, if you take out some easy reader books from the library).
For everyone:
*Bring in $2 for Marionettes
*Tonight is the last night for magazine orders.
*Elementary Drama on Wednesday from 3-4pm
Monday, November 5, 2007
Read! Read! Read!
Welcome to November! It is getting cooler, so please remember to bring warm jackets, mittens and hats for when that wind is blowing.
In Kindergarten, we have started a new unit on Safety. Next week, we will be visiting the fire station, so please send back the permission slip that went home today.
For homework this week, the kindergarten students need to:
*Practice their sounds every night.
*Practice their tricky words (he, she)
*Play their game and finish their homework duotang by Friday.
We are also starting Guided Reading this week. Once a week, the students will bring home a book to read, a reading log to record it in, and a reading response journal. Just answer one question in the journal. Have the kindergarten student do as much of the printing as they are capable - I know this is more difficult for some than for others. Please return the Guided Reading bag (and everythin in it) the following day, as I will need the books for the next group. Later on, we will start bringing a book home every night to read and record in their reading log, but they will only need to complete the Reading Response Journal once a week (on the day we actually do Guided Reading).
For the students in grades 1 and 2, Reading Club is starting up again this week. Every one has been tested in the last couple of weeks, and new groups have been organized. Reading Club will run for the next 5 weeks, and then we will re-test again before Christmas.
A parent survey went home with your child today. Please take time to fill this out and send it back sometime before Friday.
School pictures will go home tomorrow. What a cute bunch of kids!
In Kindergarten, we have started a new unit on Safety. Next week, we will be visiting the fire station, so please send back the permission slip that went home today.
For homework this week, the kindergarten students need to:
*Practice their sounds every night.
*Practice their tricky words (he, she)
*Play their game and finish their homework duotang by Friday.
We are also starting Guided Reading this week. Once a week, the students will bring home a book to read, a reading log to record it in, and a reading response journal. Just answer one question in the journal. Have the kindergarten student do as much of the printing as they are capable - I know this is more difficult for some than for others. Please return the Guided Reading bag (and everythin in it) the following day, as I will need the books for the next group. Later on, we will start bringing a book home every night to read and record in their reading log, but they will only need to complete the Reading Response Journal once a week (on the day we actually do Guided Reading).
For the students in grades 1 and 2, Reading Club is starting up again this week. Every one has been tested in the last couple of weeks, and new groups have been organized. Reading Club will run for the next 5 weeks, and then we will re-test again before Christmas.
A parent survey went home with your child today. Please take time to fill this out and send it back sometime before Friday.
School pictures will go home tomorrow. What a cute bunch of kids!
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Monday, October 29, 2007
Halloween events
Remember drama is cancelled this week.
On Halloween day, we will be having a multiage party in the afternoon, where the children will rotate through the four classrooms. Thanks to everyone who volunteered to send in icecream and carrots.
On Halloween day, we will be having a multiage party in the afternoon, where the children will rotate through the four classrooms. Thanks to everyone who volunteered to send in icecream and carrots.
Only 2 more days to Halloween!
The children are getting very excited about Halloween! Between the full moon last week, the party at the Library and the party at the Boys and Girls Club, Halloween fever has hit! We have even had some early treats on Friday. Thanks Lance!
In November, we will be having 2 special performances: one about bullying and one by the Maritime Marionettes. We will need $4 from each student to help cover the cost of these performances ($2 each performance).
On Wednesday, the Kindergarten students will be visiting the Nursing Home in the morning, so they may wear their costumes to school if they wish. We would ask the other students to just bring their costumes, and we will change into them at lunch time.
In K-2 Jones, I think we will eat in our classroom on Wednesday for Halloween day.
Homework for Kindergarten this week:
- Practice sounds every night.
- Practice new tricky words: I, the
- Finish homework duotang and game by Friday.
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Monday, October 22, 2007
Marvelous Monday!
What a beautiful day!
Homework for Kindergarten:
Homework for Kindergarten:
- practice sounds each night
- practice tricky words: or, for (review a, is, mom, dad, at, that)
- practice counting backwards and counting on
- finish homework duotang by Friday and math game
- The cat "at" wheel can stay at home (practice reading the words)
Things to remember:
- Elementary Drama Wednesdays 3-4pm (practice your lines if you have any)
- K-4 Soccer Wednesday 5:30-6:30 pm (last night for outdoor soccer)
- K-2 Assembly Friday 9am
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Busy Wednesday!
Welcome back to school after your long weekend! We spent the two days listening to a very motivational speaker and then working together to develop a plan to make our school the best it can be.
Great job today and lots of participation in Drama, Soccer and Kids Club.
Picture Retakes will be tomorrow. Please send back the proofs along with $5 if you wish to have retakes done.
*Words of the week: at, that
*Practice your sounds each night. There will be a new sound coming home on Friday this week because it is such a short week.
*Hand in homework duotang and game on Friday. I know it is a short week, so if you need extra time send me a note in the agenda and keep them until Monday. Just please make sure the duotang and game come back on Monday for sure.
Don't forget the Variety show at 7pm on Friday night to raise money for the new sound system and booth in the Great Hall.
Great job today and lots of participation in Drama, Soccer and Kids Club.
Picture Retakes will be tomorrow. Please send back the proofs along with $5 if you wish to have retakes done.
*Words of the week: at, that
*Practice your sounds each night. There will be a new sound coming home on Friday this week because it is such a short week.
*Hand in homework duotang and game on Friday. I know it is a short week, so if you need extra time send me a note in the agenda and keep them until Monday. Just please make sure the duotang and game come back on Monday for sure.
Don't forget the Variety show at 7pm on Friday night to raise money for the new sound system and booth in the Great Hall.
Friday, October 12, 2007
Rainy Friday!
Have a great long weekend, boys and girls!
Reminders for Wednesday, October 17th:
Reminders for Wednesday, October 17th:
- Picture Orders are due. Retakes will be on the 18th, but will cost $5 unless your eyes were closed.
- Drama 3-4pm
- Soccer for K-4 5:30-6:30pm
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
Happy Thanksgiving!
I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving weekend.
Everyone in K-2 brought home homework duotangs tonight. Please start your homework tonight, and work on a little every night until it is finished. Duotangs should be returned by Friday.
Remember K-2 Jones that book orders are due tomorrow. I will send the order on Thursday.
Show and Tell on Friday for K-2 Jones (9am) and Kindergarten (11:30). If you don't want to bring something, or forget, then think of something to tell us about.
Remember no school for students next Monday and Tuesday (15th and 16th). Another long weekend! The teachers will be travelling to St. Stephen Sunday night for an all day session on Monday at St. Stephen High. On Tuesday, we will be working as a staff on the school improvement plan and other issues affecting our school.
For Kindergarten this week:
Everyone in K-2 brought home homework duotangs tonight. Please start your homework tonight, and work on a little every night until it is finished. Duotangs should be returned by Friday.
Remember K-2 Jones that book orders are due tomorrow. I will send the order on Thursday.
Show and Tell on Friday for K-2 Jones (9am) and Kindergarten (11:30). If you don't want to bring something, or forget, then think of something to tell us about.
Remember no school for students next Monday and Tuesday (15th and 16th). Another long weekend! The teachers will be travelling to St. Stephen Sunday night for an all day session on Monday at St. Stephen High. On Tuesday, we will be working as a staff on the school improvement plan and other issues affecting our school.
For Kindergarten this week:
- Practice your sounds each night (new ones will be u, l and f).
- Practice our two new sight words: mom & dad (and review is & a)
- Practice counting on with the dice, and recognizing the numbers on the die without counting.
- Finish your homework duotang by Friday (send it in earlier if finished)
- Play your math game and return by Friday.
Friday, October 5, 2007
Fabulous Friday!
What a busy day! Reading Buddies, turkey dinner, and Terry Fox Run, all in one day! Great job, everyone!
Have a great Thanksgiving weekend.
Have a great Thanksgiving weekend.
- No school on Monday (Thanksgiving)
- Show and Tell on Friday
- No School next Monday or Tuesday (15th and 16th): Teachers are all going to St. Stephen to learn lots at our Curriculum Days.
Thursday, October 4, 2007
What a beautiful day!
Thanks to everyone who came to drama and soccer last night. It is great to see so many children participating in extra-curricular activities.
The children were excited today to see that the second slide was replaced. Brian worked hard afterschool yesterday to get it up and running.
For tomorrow:
- Hand in your homework duotang if you haven't already done so.
- Bring your money for the Terry Fox Run if you haven't already. The Terry Fox run will start at about 1:10pm.
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
Terrific Tuesday!
Great job trying to write today, Kindergarten! We all forget how hard it is to write a story for the first time. Keep practicing your sounds and tricky words, and the writing will get easier and easier.
Tomorrow we will be practicing our evacuation in the afternoon. We will walk to the Anglican church, and the busses will pick us up there to take us home.
There will still be Elementary Drama from 3-4 pm on the stage.
Tomorrow we will be practicing our evacuation in the afternoon. We will walk to the Anglican church, and the busses will pick us up there to take us home.
There will still be Elementary Drama from 3-4 pm on the stage.
- Practice your tricky words. Can you find them in a book? (a, is)
- Work on your homework duotang and play your game.
- Practice your sounds. Play a matching game with your new sounds. Can you make up any words with the sounds we have learned.
Monday, October 1, 2007
Magnificent Monday!
Welcome to the first day of October!
It should be an exciting month.
On Friday, we will be having the Terry Fox Run at 1:05 pm. Please bring in a dollar (or more) to support this worthy cause.
Reminders for Kindergarten:
It should be an exciting month.
On Friday, we will be having the Terry Fox Run at 1:05 pm. Please bring in a dollar (or more) to support this worthy cause.
Reminders for Kindergarten:
- Practice your sounds every night.
- Practice our 2 words of the week: a & is (Can you find them in a book? In the newspaper?)
- Finish your homework duotang and game by Friday (if you finish them earlier, send them back to school early).
- The students work from September came home tonight. It is yours to keep at home.
Friday, September 28, 2007
Rainy Friday
Boys and girls, you did a great job performing at our assembly today. Thanks to the few parents who were able to come and watch.
Have a great weekend!
Have a great weekend!
Thursday, September 27, 2007
The slide is finished!
After two days of not using the playground, the children were very excited today to use the brand new slide! It was the most popular activity on the playground.
Reminders for Friday:
Reminders for Friday:
- Hand in your homework duotangs.
- Assembly at 9am.
- Last day to order yearbooks at $50 (the price increases to $60 on Monday).
- Wear your favorite color.
- Reading buddies tomorrow.
Have a great night!
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Wonderful Wednesday!
Today was a much better day, boys and girls. Thank you for trying so hard. We got a lot done tooday, and it looks like they got the new slide done after school. Recess should be fun tomorrow!
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Elementary Drama club starts tomorrow (Wednesday) from 3-4pm for children in grades K-5.
There is also soccer tomorrow night from 5:30-6:30 at the club for students in K-4.
There is also soccer tomorrow night from 5:30-6:30 at the club for students in K-4.
Tiring Tuesday!
There was lots of excitement in the class today as they worked all day on the playground. Nothing like some heavey machinery to distract a class!
Boys and girls in kindergarten, I was disappointed with your behavior today. A lot of you had a hard time paying attention and were uncooperative, both in the class and at recess. Lets try for a better day tomorrow, please.
Remember that tomorrow is gray day in kindergarten. Please work on some of your homework tonight and review your sounds. Does anyone know all of the sounds that we have learned so far?
Boys and girls in kindergarten, I was disappointed with your behavior today. A lot of you had a hard time paying attention and were uncooperative, both in the class and at recess. Lets try for a better day tomorrow, please.
Remember that tomorrow is gray day in kindergarten. Please work on some of your homework tonight and review your sounds. Does anyone know all of the sounds that we have learned so far?
Monday, September 24, 2007
First week of Fall
Welcome back to school for our first week of fall.
Everyone should have brought home their homework duotang tonight. Please do a little each night, and return it to school by Friday (or earlier if you finish before then). The extra little bit of reinforcement at home really makes a difference!
Kindergarten, don't forget to practice your sounds every night. Can you make any words with the sounds we have learned?
Grade one and two, don't forget to read a book every night and record it in your reading log.
On Friday, we will be having an assembly at 9am. Parents are welcome to come watch if you wish. The kindergarten children will be performing the poems and rhymes that we have learned this month.
On Wedenesday, the Elementary Drama Club will be starting from 3-4pm for students interested in grades K-5. See you on the stage!
For kindergarten, we are almost finished our unit on colors. Try to wear the color of the day if you can:
Everyone should have brought home their homework duotang tonight. Please do a little each night, and return it to school by Friday (or earlier if you finish before then). The extra little bit of reinforcement at home really makes a difference!
Kindergarten, don't forget to practice your sounds every night. Can you make any words with the sounds we have learned?
Grade one and two, don't forget to read a book every night and record it in your reading log.
On Friday, we will be having an assembly at 9am. Parents are welcome to come watch if you wish. The kindergarten children will be performing the poems and rhymes that we have learned this month.
On Wedenesday, the Elementary Drama Club will be starting from 3-4pm for students interested in grades K-5. See you on the stage!
For kindergarten, we are almost finished our unit on colors. Try to wear the color of the day if you can:
- Tuesday: Purple
- Wednesday: Gray
- Thursday: Brown
- Friday: Wear your favorite color.
Friday, September 21, 2007
Fantastic Friday!
Great job today, boys and girls. Not one bee was moved out of the beehive!
You worked really well with your reading buddies today, and we saw and heard about lots of neat stuff in show and tell. We will try to have show and tell once a month all year, so keep thinking of interesting things to bring in.
For kindergarteners, remember that Monday is blue day, and try to wear something blue.
Have a great weekend everyone!
You worked really well with your reading buddies today, and we saw and heard about lots of neat stuff in show and tell. We will try to have show and tell once a month all year, so keep thinking of interesting things to bring in.
For kindergarteners, remember that Monday is blue day, and try to wear something blue.
Have a great weekend everyone!
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Thrilling Thursday!
I can't believe the end of the week is almost here again already. Get a good sleep tonight - a lot of you were tired today. You must have ran too hard at soccer last night!
Remember that we have Show and Tell tomorrow. You may bring one thing from home to show the class and tell us all about it. Show and Tell will be at 9am for my homeroom, and at about 11:30am for kindergarten.
Please return you homework duotangs tomorrow.
Remember that we have Show and Tell tomorrow. You may bring one thing from home to show the class and tell us all about it. Show and Tell will be at 9am for my homeroom, and at about 11:30am for kindergarten.
Please return you homework duotangs tomorrow.
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
A great sunshiny yellow day!
Thanks to everyone who remembered to wear yellow today.
Congratulations to Hardin Kearney who was chosen as student of the week. He is always a hard worker, and helps those aroun him. Great job, Hardin!
Great job in music class today. Mr. Steeves said you were very well behaved. You make me proud!
There is soccer tonight from 5:30-6:30 at the Club for children in K-4.
Friday we are having Show and Tell in K-2 Jones and in Kindergarten.
Next Wednesday, the elementary drama club will start for students interested in grades K-5, from 3-4 pm on the stage. Look for a notice to come home tomorrow or the next day.
Congratulations to Hardin Kearney who was chosen as student of the week. He is always a hard worker, and helps those aroun him. Great job, Hardin!
Great job in music class today. Mr. Steeves said you were very well behaved. You make me proud!
There is soccer tonight from 5:30-6:30 at the Club for children in K-4.
Friday we are having Show and Tell in K-2 Jones and in Kindergarten.
Next Wednesday, the elementary drama club will start for students interested in grades K-5, from 3-4 pm on the stage. Look for a notice to come home tomorrow or the next day.
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Welcome to our Blog
Good afternoon K-2 Jones. Welcome to our Blog! I will update our blog at least once a week with any new events for that week, such as early dismissals, movies, show and tell, and so on. It will be another great means of communication between the school and home. Have a great week!
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