Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Merry Christmas!
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Monday, December 13, 2010
Christmas Concert Week!
*Read a book each night. Everyone in our class has moved up a level! Congratulations!!!!
*Practice spelling words (man, do, us, about, has, sing, king, ring, wing, fling), word family "ing", and short vowel sounds.
*Finish homework duotang by Friday. (Last homework until January.)
Upcoming Events:
*December 13: Bring money for World Vision project (medical clinic and warm clothes)
*December 14: Toque Day
*December 15: No Cafeteria; Elementary Concert at 1pm
*December 16: Christmas Sweater Day
*December 17: Show and Tell
*December 20: PJ Day
*December 21: Grade 6-12 Concert at 7pm; Santa Hat Day
*December 22: BYOMug for Hot Chocoloate
*January 10: Curriculum Day for Teachers at Fundy High School
*January 11: First Day back for Students
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Winter Wonderland!
Grade One Homework:
*Read a book each night.
*Practice spelling words (before, here, am, go, see, wall, ball, call, mall, stall), word family "all", and short vowel sounds.
*Finish homework duotang by Friday.
Upcoming Events:
*December 8: Dismissal at noon for School Improvement Planning
*December 10: Pinkies painted Purple to end Polio (bring $2)
*December 13: Bring money for World Vision project (medical clinic and warm clothes)
*December 14: Toque Day
*December 15: No Cafeteria; Elementary Concert at 1pm
*December 16: Christmas Sweater Day
*December 17: Show and Tell
*December 20: PJ Day
*December 21: Grade 6-12 Concert at 7pm
*December 22: BYOMug for Hot Chocoloate
*January 10: Curriculum Day for Teachers at Fundy High School
*January 11: First Day back for Students
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Monday, November 29, 2010
Elementary Drama
Dress Rehearsal for Drama will be Wednesday at 3pm. Please wear a color appropriate for your character.
Grade One Homework:
*Read a book each night.
*Practice spelling words (the, they, with, have, said, lump, pump, jump, bump, grump) and short u sound.
*Finish homework duotang by Friday.
Upcoming Events:
*Dec. 1: Drama play "The Little Red Hen" at 6pm
*Dec. 1: Library Christmas Hour at 6:15pm
*Dec. 2: Assembly at 9am
*Dec. 8: School Improvement Half Day (dismissal at noon)
*Dec. 15: Elementary Concert at 1pm
*Dec. 17: Show and Tell
*Dec. 21: Middle and High School Concert at 7pm
*Dec. 23: Last Day before Christmas Holidays
*Jan. 10: Curriculum Day for Teachers
*Jan. 11: First Day back for students
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Friday, November 26, 2010
Monday, November 22, 2010
Don't Stand By....STAND UP! Say NO to Bullying.
Grade One Homework:
• Read a book each night.
• Practice our spelling words (when, her, my, but, look, west, rest, best, nest, test) and review “est” word family and short e sound.
• Finish homework duotang by Friday.
Upcoming Events:
*Nov. 22-26: Pink Anti-Bullying Week
*Dec. 1: Elementary Drama performs "The Little Red Hen" at 6pm.
Monday, November 15, 2010
Report Card Time!
Elementary Drama will be on Wednesday from 3-4pm. We have started work on a short play for December, so please work on memorizing your lines, and come to practice if at all possible. We pland to perform the play on December 1st.
Grade One Homework:
• Read a book each night.
• Practice our spelling words (saw, can, then, went, get, sell, bell, fell, tell, smell) and review “ell” word family and short o sound.
• Finish homework duotang by Thursday.
Upcoming Events:
• Nov. 15: Report Cards go home (K-2)
• Nov. 18: Parent-Teacher Interviews in the evening 6-8pm
• Nov. 19: Parent-Teacher Interviews in the morning 9-11am/PD in the afternoon (no school)
• Nov. 22-26: Pink Anti-Bullying Week
*Dec. 1: Elementary Drama performs "The Little Red Hen" at 6pm.
Monday, November 8, 2010
How will you remember this week?

Grade One Homework:
• Read a book each night.
• Practice our spelling words (not, mother, have, like, play, pot, got, lot, hot, slot) and review “ot” word family and short o sound.
• Finish homework duotang by Friday.
Upcoming Events:
• Nov. 10: Remembrance Day service at school at 1:10pm
• Nov. 11: Remembrance Day (no school; service at the school at 10:30am)
• Nov. 12: Isabella's Birthday
• Nov. 15: Report Cards go home (tentatively)
• Nov. 18: Parent-Teacher Interviews in the evening
• Nov. 19: Parent-Teacher Interviews in the morning/PD in the afternoon (no school)
• Nov. 22-26: Pink Anti-Bullying Week
Monday, November 1, 2010
Snow is in the air!
Everyone had a great time during our Halloween activities on Friday, starting with a short presentation of the Black Light Theatre and the Monster Mash!
November is here, and it is cold and windy on the playground. Please send hat and mitts with your child, as well as a warm jacket.
Elementary Drama will be on Wednesday from 3-4pm. We have started work on a short play for December, so please work on memorizing your lines, and come to practice if at all possible.
Grade One Homework:
- Read a book each night.
- Practice our word family words (cop, hop, mop, top, stop, chop, flop, shop, pop, drop) and review sight words we have learned so far.
- Finish homework duotang by Friday.
Upcoming Events:
- Nov. 2: Book Orders Due
- Nov. 5: Show and Tell
- Nov. 10: Remembrance Day service at school at 1:10pm
- Nov. 11: Remembrance Day (no school; service at the school at 10:45am)
- Nov. 12: Isabella's Birthday
- Nov. 15: Report Cards go home (tentatively)
- Nov. 18: Parent-Teacher Interviews in the evening
- Nov. 19: Parent-Teacher Interviews in the morning/PD in the afternoon (no school)
- Nov. 22-26: Pink Anti-Bullying Week
Friday, October 22, 2010
Happy Halloween!
Grade one practices our poem "Pumpkin Time" for the Assembly.
Grade one homework:
- Read a book each night.
- Practice spelling words (into, will, little, I'm, said, sick, pick, kick, lick, stick)
- Finish homework duotang and game by Friday.
This will be a busy week with lots of HALLOWEEN activities on the go:
- Monday: Halloween Dance Party for K-2 from 6-7pm (grade 3-5 from 7-8pm) in the Great Hall.
- Tuesday: Wonder World at Grand Harbour Baptist Church (6-8pm)
- Wednesday: Elementary Drama from 3-4pm AND Halloween Movie Night (and craft and snack) at the Library from 6-7:30pm AND Black Light Theater production by GMCS Senior Drama at 7pm.
- Thursday: Halloween Dances for middle and high school.
- Friday: Halloween activities at school and a Halloween assembly (students may bring their costumes to wear for the afternoon) AND Halloween Fun Night (put on by the Yearbook Staff) from 6-8pm (register by Oct. 26).
Monday, October 18, 2010
Word Work during Daily Five
The Daily 5 consist of : Read to Self, Work on Writing, Read to Someone, Word Work and Listen to Reading. In all 5 areas, we are working on building stamina and becoming independent, so that all children are being productive and staying on task. So far it is going really well! The children are working well, and I am able to work with individuals on their reading. Starting next week, I will also try working with small groups on reading strategies.
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Happy Thanksgiving!

Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Monday, October 4, 2010
Let's Be Thankful!
It is Fire Safety Week, so ask your child about what to do if there is a fire, and plan an escape route together. Check out the pictures in the Fire Safety Gazette (Jaykell Cain won Fire Chief for a Day last year!) and be sure to fill out the ballot on the back and send it back to school.
Grade One Homework:
*Read a book each night.
*Practice spelling words (and, from, had, of, was, ran, can, fan, man, plan) for test on Wednesday.
*Finish homework duotang by Wednesday.
Elementary Drama on Wednesday from 3-4pm on the stage.
The school-wide magazine campaign started today and will run until October 18th. K-5 students are not expected to go door-to-door, but we ask that they show their parents and maybe grandparents or other relatives the catalogue, and see if anyone wants to order a magazine. Funds raised help to support events at school, such as our Spring Carnival.
Dates to Remember:
*October 7 & 8: Curriculum Days so no school for students.
*October 11: Thanksgiving Day (no school)
*October 13: Book Orders Due
*October 15: Show and Tell
Monday, September 27, 2010
Picture Day!
Grade One Homework:
*Read a book each night.
*Practice spelling words (at, for, his, that, with, bat, cat, sat, fat, chat)
*Finish homework duotang by Friday.
*Look for words in the "at" family this week when you are reading, and words that have the short a sound. How many can you find?
Elementary Drama will be starting on Wednesday, September 29th, from 3-4pm on the stage for any students in K-5 who are interested. We will have a drama club for the fall, where we will play drama games, develop our voices, and practice a short play for Christmas. In January we will have try-outs for a bigger play to take to the drama festival. You must come to drama club if you want to try-out for the play in January.
On Thursday afternoon at 1pm our school will joing hundreds of schools across Canada to participate in the annual School Terry Fox Run. Please bring in at least $1 for this worthy cause, as Terry's dream was to raise $1 for every Canadian citizen for cancer research.
Dates to Remember:
*October 3-9: Fire Safety Week. Look closely at the Fire Safety Gazette when it comes home on October 6 to see if you recognize anyone. Don't forget to fill out the ballot at the end!
*October 7 & 8: Curriculum Days so no school for students.
*October 11: Thanksgiving Day (no school)
*October 13: Book Orders Due
*October 15: Show and Tell
Thursday, September 23, 2010
School Bus Evacuation
In the fall, we always practice Fire Drills, Evacuation, and Lockdowns, but the favorite is Bus Evacuation! What fun to jump out of the back of the bus!
Mrs. Jones' class practices for the assembly. I hope the real thing goes better than practice! Nevertheless, the kids are cute as they practice and try to balance the microphone, papers and masks.
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Days of the Week
The grade ones are getting ready for our assembly as we learn "The Days of the Week".
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Monday, September 20, 2010
Fall is here!
Grade one homework:
*Read a book each night and record in reading log.
*Finish homework duotang by Friday.
*Practice sight words for spelling test (as, he, is, on, they)
Upcoming Events:
*Half day on September 22 for School Improvement Planning (Dismissal at 11:40 for K-2).
*Assembly on September 24 at 1:20.
*School Pictures on September 27th.
*Elementary Drama begins on September 29th from 3-4pm for any children interested in K-5.
*School Terry Fox Run on September 30th - Bring at least a dollar please!
*Curriculum Days on October 7th and 8th, so students have an extra long Thanksgiving Weekend!
Monday, September 13, 2010
Back in the Swing of Things!
Thanks also to everyone who sent in the $7 for agendas. If you haven't sent it yet, please do so as soon as you can.
We will have Show and Tell on Friday (10:45 for Grade 1; 1:20 for my homeroom K-2).
Grade One Homework:
*Read a book each night and record in reading log.
*Finish homework duotang by Friday.
*Spelling test on Friday: a, be, I, the, you
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Sunday, June 27, 2010
School Supplies 2010-2011
School Supplies for 2010-2011
· Please purchase exactly what school supplies are listed, and do not write the student’s name on them for K-2. We know that you can find items cheaper by buying different brands, but from past experience, these are the brands that work the best and last the longest. Please help us to ensure that every student has the proper equipment that works the best, and that is the same as his or her classmates’. Thank you.
· Please place all of your child’s school supplies in a plastic bag (Save-Easy) and label the bag with his or her name.
· If possible, drop the bag of supplies off to your child’s homeroom teacher the week before school opens in September (i.e. the week before Labour Day; teachers will be at school for meetings that week).
Kindergarten School Supplies for 2010-2011
· 2 packages of 24 Crayola crayons
· 2 packages of 8 Crayola washable markers
· 12 duotangs (2 each of red, blue, green, yellow, orange and purple)
· 1 package of pencils (Paper Mate, Dixon or Venus; not Buffalo or made in China).
· 3 large glue sticks (Ross, Elmer’s, Staples)
· 1 package of 4 Hilroy scribblers (32 pages)
· 2 white vinyl erasers
· 1 box of Large Ziploc Freezer Bags
· 2 boxes of Kleenex
· 1 pump bottle of hand soap
· 1 black white board marker (dry erase)
· 1 pair of indoor sneakers (Velcro please, unless your child can tie independently.)
Grade One School Supplies for 2010-2011
· 2 package of 24 Crayola crayons
· 2 packages of 8 Crayola washable markers
· 12 duotangs (2 each of red, blue, green, yellow, orange and purple)
· 1 package of pencils (Paper Mate, Dixon or Venus; not Buffalo or made in China).
· 1 large glue stick (Ross, Elmer’s, Staples)
· 1 package of 4 Hilroy scribblers (32 pages)
· 4 white vinyl erasers
· 1 Campfire Notebook
· 1 box of Large Ziploc Freezer Bags (not easy zipper)
· 2 boxes of Kleenex
· 1 pump bottle of hand soap
· 1 black white board marker (dry erase)
· 1 pair of indoor sneakers (Velcro please, unless your child can tie independently.)
Grade Two School Supplies for 2010-2011
· 2 packages of 24 Crayola crayons
· 1 package of 8 Crayola washable markers
· 12 duotangs (2 each of red, blue, green, yellow, orange and purple)
· 1 package of pencils (Paper Mate, Dixon or Venus; not Buffalo or made in China).
· 2 large glue sticks (Ross, Elmer’s, Staples)
· 1 package of 4 Hilroy scribblers (32 pages)
· 4 white vinyl erasers
· 1 Campfire Notebook
· 1 package of looseleaf
· 1 box of Large Ziploc Freezer Bags
· 2 boxes of Kleenex
· 1 pump bottle of hand soap
· 1 black white board marker (dry erase)
· 1 pair of indoor sneakers (Velcro please, unless your child can tie independently.)
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Monday, June 21, 2010
Last Week of School!
Please look after any missing books or fines you have at the library. If you have any questions, please call (7099) or stop by the library. Also, please sign up for the fun summer program at the library (free bookmark and "passport" to record the books you read), and come out on Tuesday mornings when you are home this summer. Also, if a note was sent home from your teacher, please sign up for the free tutoring program at the library.
This week, we have full days on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday. On Wednesday, students will dismiss at 10:30 so all staff can attend graduation at noon. On Friday, school will dismiss at noon (or you can just come with your mom or dad to get your report card and then go home).
Have a great summer!
Friday, June 18, 2010
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
K-2 Field Trip to Saint John!
We had a wonderful time on our field trip to Saint John. The children were very well behaved on the ferry, on the bus, and in the Just Play indoor playground. Thanks to all the parents who came to help supervise. We couldn't do it without you!
Monday, June 14, 2010
Field Trip and Bike Rodeo!
Bike Rodeo on Friday. Parents can drop off the bikes and helmets in the morning, and pick them up in the afternoon.
Next week, there will be an early dismissal on Wednesday, June 23rd, at 10:30am because of Graduation at 12 noon.
June 25th will be a half day of school.