Instead of show and tell this month, we will be doing speeches instead. The students only need to do a speech in their classroom, and should pick something that they really like or know about. Think of it like a practiced show and tell! Students may tell about their March Break, about a special birthday or trip they took, or about an animal or sport that they are interested in. The students should have their speeches ready for March 26 and March 2. A few students will have the chance to give their speeches at an assembly on April 5th.
Grade 2 Homework:
*Read a book or chapter each night.
*Finish homework duotang by Friday.
*Start working on your speech.
*Practice spelling words for test on Friday: came, found, out, his, ask, draw, ate, fall, asked, truck.
Upcoming Events:
*March 23: Collaborative Curriculum Day (no school for students)
*March 26 & 27: Present Speeches in class; Report cards go home.
*March 29 evening: Parent-Teacher Interviews
*March 30: Parent-Teacher Interviews and PD (No school for students)