Monday, December 15, 2008
Christmas Concert Craze!
Friday, December 12, 2008
A couple of Christmas videos!
Remember the Christmas Concert is Monday, December 15th at 1pm in the Great Hall. Please have the children dress up in the morning, as we will be doing a dress rehearsal in the morning, and pictures will be taken then for the yearbook.
Christmas Poems by K/1J
Jolly Old St. Nicholas by K-2 Jones
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Monday, December 8, 2008
Brrr! The Cold Air Has Arrived!
Monday, December 1, 2008
Happy December!
Monday, November 24, 2008
Teddy Bear Picnic!
Monday, November 17, 2008
Report Card Time!
Parent-Teacher interviews will be Wednesday night from 6:30-8:00 and Thursday morning from 9:00-10:30 (I have to go on the ferry; the other teachers will be available until lunch time). You can e-mail me or send a note in the agenda tomorrow with a request for a time you would like, or stop by and sign up on the notice outside my door, if you would like to come at a particular time.
Elementary Drama Wednesday from 3-4 pm. We will perform our play "A Flea on Santa's Tree" on Wednesday, December 3rd, at 6pm for the public, and then on Thursday morning, December 4th, at 9am for the Elementary School.
The students will not have school on Thursday or Friday, so please try to send homework duotangs back on Wednesday (or brind them with you to parent-teacher interviews if you forget).
Reading bags should be returned to school each day. If you need extra time to finish a book, that is fine, but please send it back each day anyway.
Reminders for next week:
*Bring a teddy bear on Monday.
*Teddy Bear Picnic on Tuesday at 10:45 for my math and communications class.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
I'll wear a poppy for Remembrance Day...
*Practice tricky words (me, we) and sounds every night.
*Finish homework duotang by Friday, and return it along with your game.
*The children will be bringing home a book to read a couple of times this week. If you have other books at home that the children can read, then feel free to write those ones in as well. The library has a large selection of guided reading books if you would like to get some extra for at home (Choose books leveled A or B to start with).
Grade One:
*Read a book or chapter every night.
*Finish homework duotang and game by Friday.
*Practice sight words (saw, can, then, went, get) and spelling words (up, man, crab, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, today, come, some, weekend). We will have a test on Friday.
*Elementary Drama Wednesdays from 3-4pm.
*Report Cards will go home Monday or Tuesday. Please return the envelope and the slip about parent-teacher interviews the next day. You may keep the actual report card, and any other inserts.
*Parent-Teacher Interviews will be next Wednesday (Nov. 19th) from 6:30-8:00, and Thursday morning (Nov. 20th) from 9:00-12:00 (I will only be available until 10:30 as I have to go on the ferry). The students will not have school on Thursday or Friday (Professional Development session on Thursday afternoon and Subject Council on Friday). Enjoy a nice long weekend!
Monday, November 3, 2008
Happy November!
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Happy Halloween!
*Mrs. Jones K/1 and Mrs. Wetzel's K class will be visiting the Nursing Home on Thursday at 10am. Don't forget to bring your costume!
*On Friday, there will be a K-2 assembly at 10:45 am, where each class will probably perform a poem or song.
*On Friday afternoon, we will be having a fun Halloween time in the four classrooms, rotating through 4 stations. Children may bring costumes to wear for the afternoon if they wish.
*Hand in homework duotangs on or before Friday.
*Grade one: read a book each night and practice spelling words for test on Friday.
*Kindergarten: practice sounds and tricky words each night. Next month we will start taking home some books to read as well.
Monday, October 20, 2008
Welcome to a Spooktacular Week!
*Friday will be show and tell for both my homeroom and Math & Communications classes.
*Magazine orders were due in today. Please return any orders in tomorrow at the latest.
*Return homework duotangs and games on Monday (Kindergarten, don't forget to return your dice as well).
*Grade ones: practice spelling words (on, but, plum, quick, quiz, queen, squid, to, do, squirrel) and read a book (or chapter) each night. For the next two weeks we will be doing a You and Your World unit instead of Reading Club, so there will not be reading club bags coming home.
*Kindergarten: practice sounds and tricky words (or, for) every night.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Short Week!

Monday, October 6, 2008
Fire Safety Week
Elementary Drama will be on Wednesday at 3pm. All in K-5 are welcome to come and try it out.
Yearbook orders are due this week. They only cost $25 this year, so please try to order one.
Remember that next week there is no school on Monday (Thanksgiving) or on Tuesday and Wednesday (teacher meetins), so you have a nice long Thanksgiving weekend, especially if you plan to do any travelling. Enjoy!
*Finish homework duotang and game by Friday.
*Kindergarten: practice sounds every night, and tricky words (mom, dad).
*Grade one: read every night and practice spelling words (in, leg, glad, ring, sang, strong, lung, be, was, length.
Monday, September 29, 2008
Drama begins!
Reminders for all:
*Because of K-8 all arriving at the same time, we will not be having toast cart for K-2. Instead, we will have jam or cheese sandwhiches and juice available in Mrs. Wetzel's room for anyone who did not have breakfast.
*All picture money and forms should be in. Retakes are on Wednesday.
Elementary Drama begins on Wednesday, Oct. 1st, at 3pm. All in K-5 are welcome to come and try it out.
*Finish homework duotang and game by Friday.
*Kindergarten: practice sounds every night.
*Grade one: read every night and practice spelling words.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Fabulous Fall!
*Terry Fox Run is on Friday at 1pm. Please bring at least a dollar.
*On Friday we will be having an assembly at 10:45. Parents are welcome if you wish.
*Starting tomorrow, we will not be having toast cart for K-2. Instead, we will have jam or cheese sandwhiches and juice available in Mrs. Wetzel's room for anyone who did not have breakfast. (Starting next week, K-8 will all arrive together and toast cart will be crazy - so we want to do something different for the little guys).
*Return picture money and forms by Monday. They will let us know at a later date when retakes will be.
*Finish homework duotang and game by Friday.
*Kindergarten: practice sounds every night.
*Grade one: read every night and practice spelling words.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Bus Evacuation!
Monday, September 8, 2008
Super September!
*Please look in your child's agenda each night, and return any forms that need to be filled out.
*Please send in $7 to pay for the agendas.
*School pictures will be Sept. 18th and 19th.
*Book orders are due Sept. 10th for my homeroom.
*Homework duotangs are due back on Friday (or before if you finish early).
*Sounds duotangs for kindergarten should be returned daily.
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Welcome Back to School!
Thanks to all the people who brought in their school supplies last week. We have all been unpacking bags, sorting supplies, and getting enough pencils, crayons, scribblers and duotangs ready to start the first week. If you haven't already brought in your school supplies, then bring them on the first day, as well as your indoor sneakers.
On the first day of school (Tuesday), there will be no cafeteria, so we will all be eating our lunch in the classroom.
The cost of the agendas is $7 again this year, and that can be sent in any time next week.
Enjoy your last weekend of summer!
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
K-2 School Supplies
- 2 pkgs of 24 Crayola crayons
- 2 pkgs of 8 washable Crayola markers
- 12 duotangs (2 each of red, orange, yellow, green, blue and purple)
- 1 pkg pencils (Papermate, Dixon, or Venus)
- 4 large glue sticks (Ross, Elmer's, Staples)
- 2 pkgs of 32 page Hilroy scribblers
- 3 white vinyl erasers
- 1 box large Ziploc freezer bags
- 1 box Kleenex
- 1 bottle pump hand soap
- 2 black whiteboard markers (dry erase)
- 1 pr indoor sneakers
Grade One:
- 1 pkg of 24 Crayola crayons
- 2 pkgs of 8 washable Crayola markers
- 12 duotangs (2 each of red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple)
- 1 pkg pencils (Papermate, Dixon or Venus)
- 1 large glue stick (Ross, Elmer's, Staples)
- 1 pkg 32 page Hilroy scribblers
- 4 white vinyl erasers
- 1 Campfire notebook
- 1 box large Ziplock freezer bags
- 1 box Kleenex
- 1 bottle pump hand soap
- 2 black whiteboard markers (dry erase)
- 1 pr indoor sneakers
Grade Two:
- 1 pkg 24 Crayola crayons
- 1 pkg 8 washable Crayola markers
- 12 duotangs (2 each of red, orange, yellow, green, blue and purple)
- 2 pkgs of pencils (Papermate, Dixon or Venus)
- 2 lge gluesticks (Ross, Elmer's, Staples)
- 2 pkgs 32 page Hilroy scribblers
- 4 white vinyl erasers
- 1 Campfire notebook
- 1 pr scissors
- 1 30 cm ruler
- 1 box large Ziplock freezer bags
- 1 box Kleenex
- 1 bottle pump hand soap
- 1 pkg looseleaf (200 sheets)
- 2 black whiteboard markers (dry erase)
- 1 pr indoor sneakers
Please purchase exactly what school supplies are listed, and do not write the student's name on them. We know that you can find items cheaper by buying different brands, but from past exprience, these are the brands work the best and last the longest. Please help us to ensure that every student has the proper equipment that works the best, and that is the same as his or her classmates. Thank you. Have a great summer!
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Last Day!
Please return all library books and pay any fines before you come to get your report card. (Notes are in agendas saying what books and amount of fines that are owing.)
Have a great summer!
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Final Reminders
This is the schedule, as far as I know, for the last week of school:
Monday: please send back any and all library books, guided reading books, and browsing box books; kindergarten will have reading buddies today (because our buddies were away on Friday); Prom in the evening
Tuesday: Last day for cafeteria.
Wednesday: Dismissal at 11 am (one bus run for K-8); Graduation is at noon; Middle school prom in the evening
Thursday: Clean out cubbies and classroom, take home books, sneakers, and other accumulated "stuff" (We also plan to do something fun today with our kindergarten reading buddies!) (Remember, no cafeteria today!!!)
Friday: Last (half) day of school; take home report cards.
Have a great summer!!
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
The Warm Weather has finally arrived!
Monday, the Kindergarten students and their grade six buddies travelled to the Whale Research Center and found lots of treasures on Pettes Cove Beach.
On Tuesday, parents can come to the library to register their child for the summer tutoring program (Becoming Power Readers).
On Wednesday evening, parents can come to the library to register their children for the summer reading club, which has a science theme this year.
On Thursday, the K-2 students will travel to the Anchorage at 11 am to have a picnic lunch and play on the beach (no swimming). They will be dismissed at 2pm from the Anchorage. (Rain date on Friday).
Reminder that next week, both Wednesday (Graduation) and Friday (Last Day) will be half days of school.
Monday, June 2, 2008
Joyous June!
*No homework duotang this month.
*Read a book every night and practice tricky words and sounds.
*Bring back permission slip if you haven't already.
*PreK Orientation tomorrow from 9:30-11:30.
*Friday night movie at 7pm "Horton Hears a Who"
*Kindergarten and Grade 6 visit whale research centre on June 9th.
*Bring back permission slip for Anchorage Park trip on June 12th.
*Registration next week for Library Summer Reading program (Wednesday) and Tutoring (Tuesday). Contact your teacher if you would like to be registered for summer tutoring in reading.
*Graduation is June 18th (half day)
*Report Cards go home on June 20th, which is the last day for students (half day)
Monday, May 26, 2008
Last Week for Homework!
Mrs. Ingersoll started doing the district kindergarten assessment with some of the children today. Each child will spend about half an hour with her, demonstrating skills such as beginning and ending sounds, clapping syllables, reading words, sorting words, naming letters, and naming the sounds. We will also be testing reading levels one more time at the beginning of June, and collecting some independent writing samples.
*Preschool will be coming to visit on Wednesday (I hope!)
*The Assembly this week will be on Thursday (instead of Friday), and one of the RCMP officers will be coming to speak to the students as part of Safe Kids Week.
Kindergarten Homework:
*Finish your homework duotang and game by Friday (remember, this is the last one, so please try to have it in on time and all caught up).
*Read a book every night. There are only a few of you left finishing the word lists (homework writing).
*Practice your tricky words and sounds every night, as well as any math concepts that you still needed to work on, such as counting backwards, counting on, ordinal numbers, dice patterns, etc.
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Welcome Back!
Kindergarten Homework:
*Finish red homework duotang and game by Friday.
*Make sure you know all 24 words that kindergarten children should know (We have worked on a lot more than this, but these are the ones that the District will be testing them on.)
*Read a book every night and record in your reading log.
Pre-School's visit is postponed again because the bus is not working. They now plan to come next Wednesday.
Show and Tell on Friday.
Monday, May 12, 2008
Congratulations to Drama Cast!
Saturday, May 3, 2008
Spring Carnival!!
*Finish homework duotang and game by Friday.
*Read a book every night.
*Practice sounds and tricky words.
Elementary Drama:
*Bring in $20 registration (if not already done)
*Performance schedule:
May 7th: dress rehearsal at 3pm, performance at 6pm
May 8th: travel to drama festival on the first boat; performance at 2pm
May 9th: performance at 9am for elementary school
Spring Carnival Schedule (May 5th – May 9th)
Day 1: Monday May 5th
(K-8 Food Order Forms and Permission Slips Due)
PJ Day (dress in pajamas)
MS/HS Dinner Theatre 6pm
Day 2: Tuesday, May 6th
Twin Day (2 students dress as twins)
K-2 Sock Hop (6pm-7pm)
3-5 Sock Hop (7pm-8pm)
Day 3: Tuesday, May 7th
Opposite Sex Day (dress as the opposite sex)
Elementary Drama Production 6pm
Variety Show 7pm-9pm (tentative)
Day 4: Thursday, May 8th
Beach Day
Spring Carnival Dance
Middle School 7pm – 8:30pm
High School 9pm – 10:30pm
Day 5: Friday, May 9th (Fun Day!!!)
Hat Day (students can wear hats in school)
11:15am- 12:00pm (Inflatables in the Field)
12:15pm - 12:35pm (Lunch)
12:35pm - 2:00pm (Movie)
*These are K-2 times (3-12 will be different).
Monday, April 28, 2008
April Showers Bring May Flowers!
Kindergarten Homework:
*Read a book each night and do homework writing.
*Finish homework duotang and game by Friday.
Monday, April 21, 2008
Spring is Here!
Kindergarten homework:
*Read a book each night and do homework writing page.
*Practice tricky words and sounds.
*Finish homework duotang and game by Friday.
Upcoming Events:
*Elementary drama presents "Welcome to Grand Manan" Wednesday, May 7th at 6pm. Admissison $5/person or $10/family.
*Middle and High School drama present their Dinner Theatre on Monday, May 5th.
Monday, April 14, 2008
Welcome Jaden!
As a final part to our Knowing Our Neighbour project that our homeroom has been involved in with a class from Bristol, we have sent them Diamond the Dolphin, and have received Murray the Moose. Each student will have a chance to bring Murray home for the night, and to draw and write in a journal about what they do. The students in Bristol will be doing the same thing with Diamond.
Reminder that Friday, April 18th is a teacher PD Day, so there is no school for students.
Kindergarten Homework:
*Read a book each night and do purple homework wrting book. You guys are doing a great job with these!
*Finish homework duotang and game for Thursday.
*Practice sounds and tricky words. The more you know, the easier it is to read!
Monday, April 7, 2008
Report Card Time!
Parent-Teacher Interviews will be Thursday night from 6:30-8:00, and Friday morning from 9:00-12:00. There will be a sign-up sheet outside of each teacher's door so that you can sign up for times, especially if there are long line ups or you are trying to see multiple teachers.
Reminder: Reading Club is every Tuesday and Thursday, so please send back any reading club work or books on those days, if not before.
Kindergarten Homework:
*Keep practicing sounds and tricky words.
*Finish homework duotang and game by Thursday.
*Read a book every night and record it in your reading log.
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Reading Club
*Read book "I Like Shapes"
Q-V Group:
*Read story "The Lighthouse Dog"
*Complete worksheet on interesting verbs if not finished.
Monday, March 31, 2008
Report Cards Next Week!
Kindergarten Homework:
*Practice tricky words and sounds (a few children know them all, but a lot only know about half).
*Read a book every night and do your homework writing.
*Finish homework duotang and game by Friday.
*Show and Tell on Friday.
*This week we will start working on a Knowing Our Neighbours project with a kindergarten class in Bristol Elementary School. Our project is called "Spring Celebrations", and we will be taking surveys, creating graphs, drawing pictures, and so on to compare our favorite spring celebrations and traditions.
*Parent/Teacher Interviews on Friday, April 11th (No school for students)
*School-Based PD Day on Friday, April 18th (No school for students)
*Assembly on Friday, April 25th for K-2.
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Happy Spring!
Kindergarten Homework:
*Read a book every night. Four students have now read more than a hundred books!
*Do homework writing (dictation) every night.
*Finish homework duotang and game by Friday.
*Keep practicing sounds and tricky words.
Monday, March 17, 2008
Happy St. Patrick's Day, Spring and Easter!
Kindergarten Homework:
*Read a book every night.
*Read "word bags" or do homework writing (dictation)
*Finish homework duotang and game by Thursday.
*Practice sounds and tricky words.
Reminder that there is no school on Friday (Good Friday) and Monday (Easter Monday)
Monday, March 10, 2008
Spring is coming!
This will be a busy month with St. Patrick's Day on the 17th, the first day of spring, and Easter. We will also be having show and tell this Friday (14th), and the movie "Alvin and the Chipmunks" will be playing at 7pm.
Homework for Kindergarten:
*Practice tricky words and sounds.
*Finish homework duotang and game by Friday.
*Read a book every night and record in reading log.
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Have a Great March Break!
Kindergarten Homework:
*Finish homework duotang and game by Friday. Please try to hand everything in before March Break if at all possible.
*Read a book each night.
*Practice tricky words and sounds. I will be testing both after March Break.
Monday, February 18, 2008
Rain, Rain, Go Away!
Kindergarten Homework:
*Practice tricky words and sounds.
*Finish homework folder and game by Friday.
*Bring in Day 100 project before Friday.
*We will celebrate Day 100 on Friday.
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Another Snowy Week!
*Practice sight words (by, from, one) and sounds.
*Read a book each night (I am retesting reading levels this week and next).
*Finish homework duotang and game by Friday.
For all K-2:
*Bring Valentines for your homeroom on Thursday.
*Start working on your Day 100 project. We will celbrate Day 100 next Friday (22nd).
*Friday is "bring your favorite toy"day in K-5 (Red Neck day for 6-12).
*Friday night the GMCS Cinema is showing "Mr. Magorium's Wonder Emporium".
*There is school on Monday (the Curriculum Day will be rescheduled for later in the spring).
Monday, February 4, 2008
Fantastic February!
The finalists, who will say their speeches one more time Wednesday night at 6pm, are:
Kindergarten: Lance Brown, Jillian Jones, Carter Urquhart
Grade One: Ben Green, Emily Ingersoll, Hardin Kearney
Grade Two: Fareeha Quayyum, Delaney Ingalls, Conner Huckins
Grade Three: Mackenzie Illingworth, Harley Cary, Hunter Park
Grade Four: Hannah McHatten, Mackenzie Guptill, Rylee Foster
Grade Five: Brady Stackhouse, Shea Linton, Kaelen Samad
Kindergarten Homework:
*Practice Tricky Words: so, my, love
*Finish homework duotang and game by Friday.
*Read a book every night and record it in your reading log.
*Drama practice on Wednesday at 3pm for cast members only (practice your lines).
*Public Speaking Finals Wednesday Night at 6pm.
*Friday is "80's Day"
*Bring Valentines to exchange with homeroom on February 14th.
*Start thinking of a Day 100 project (letter should come home on Wednesday)
*No School for students on February 18th (Curriculum Day)
*Day 100 is currently February 19th (unless we have a snow day)
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Where has the month gone?
Congratulations to everyone in kindergarten who did their speech in the last two days. Every boy and girl got up in front of the class, wore the microphone, and did their speech (some with more prompting than others!). Well done!
The six semi-finalists in kindergarten who will say their speeches on the stage Monday morning at 9am are, in no particular order:
*Carter Urquhart
*Cohen Fitzsimmons
*Henry Brown
*Jillian Jones
*Lance Brown
*Mya McLaughlin
On Monday, the judges will select three of these children to go on to the finals on Wednesday night at 6pm.
Reminders for Friday:
*wear a "bee" costume (or at least black and yellow)
*assembly at 9am
*Mrs. Banks' last day (and we welcome Mrs. Stackhouse as our new kindergarten support worker)
*The Bee Movie playing at 7pm in the great hall.
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
January 25: PJ Day (no assembly)
January 28: Start hearing speeches in classes
February 1: 6-12Hoodie Day
K-5: Bee Day (dress like bumble bees)
K-2 Assembly 9am
GMCS Cinema "The Bee Movie"
February 4: Grade Level trials for speeches K-2 9am; 3-5 1pm
February 6: Public Speaking Finals 6pm
February. 8: 80's Day
February 14: Valentine's Day (Party/exchange valentines in the pm)
February 15: Red Neck Day
GMCS Cinema "Mr. Magorium's Wonder Emporium"
February 18: Curriculum Day (No School for Students)
February 19: Day 100?? (unless we have another storm)
February 22: Beach Day
February 29: Slipper Day
K-2 Assembly 9am
Monday, January 21, 2008
Homework for Kindergarten:
*Practice tricky words: they, there, can
*Finish homework duotang and game by Friday
*Read at least one book every night. The library has lots of new levelled books if you are looking for extra books for your child to read at night. So far, most children have read around 25 books. Three children have read 1oo books already. Way to go!
Monday, January 14, 2008
Snowy Monday!
Kindergarten Homework:
*Finish homework duotang and game for Friday.
*Practice sounds and tricky words (said, here, it)
*Read a book every night and write it in your reading log.
*Blue response journal once during the week.
On Wednesday, we would like everyone to wear red and black, which are the school colors of Bathurst High School.
Friday, January 11, 2008
Drama Cast
Congratulations to the 18 people who will be in the play "Welcome to Grand Manan". The cast members are:
Alexis Liston
Brady Stackhouse
Cassandra Brown
Jode Harvey
Kayla Linton
Zoey Middleton
Harley Cary
Mackenzie Illingworth
Margaret-Ann Green
Samantha Blake
Lanaya Harvey
Delaney Ingalls
Austin Green
Cassidy Simms
Heilynn Clinch
Emily Ingersoll
Grace Cruickshank
Jillian Jones
Monday, January 7, 2008
Happy New Year!
Please remember to send your child dressed appropriately for playing outside. Even with the milder temperatures this week, there is still a lot of snow on the playground, so ski-pants, boots, mitts and hats are needed.
Book orders went home today with our homeroom, and are due back on January 16th.
Homework for Kindergarten:
*We are all finished the Jolly Phonics Sounds, but please continue to review them each night (I put the little sounds books in with the reading bags).
*Read a book every night and write it in your reading log. Once a week you will have a reading response to do as well.
*In the reading bags, you will see "Word Box" bags coming home starting this week or next. Your child simply has to sound out/read these words to you, and then put them back in the bag and return to school the next day for the next child to take home. There are 18 bags all together.
*Finish red homework duotang and game by Friday. You'll notice that we know have 3 tricky words each week (I forgot to put the word "as" in with the homework, so I will add it as they come back).
*Practice the tricky words and sight words every night, until you can read them quickly.
*In math, we are starting a unit on geometry, and will be learning about 3-D and 2-D shapes.
Elementary Drama:
*This week will be the last regular "Drama Club". We will play some games and test out our voices on the stage. Starting next Wednesday, we will be working on our play for the Drama Festival in May, which only has a cast of about 16. Thank you to everyone who has been coming to Drama Club. If you don't get a part in the play this year, please come back again next fall.