*Show and Tell on Friday.
*PreK meeting and Welcome to Kindergarten session on Nov. 6th for all those students (and parents) who will attend kindergarten next year. Contact the office if you need information.
*No school on Remembrance Day (Nov. 11th)
*Report Cards will probably come home on Nov. 17th. Parent-Teacher interviews will be the evening of Nov. 19th and the morning of Nov. 20th.
*There will be Professional Development sessions on the afternoon of Nov. 20th, and Subject Council on Nov. 21st, so the students have a nice long weekend (no school on Nov. 20th or 21st).
*Kindergarten: practice sounds and tricky words every night (he, she); finish homework duotang for Friday; we will start taking home books to read at least once a week this month.
*Grade 1: practice sight words (not, mother, have, like, play) and spelling words (test on Friday); finish homework duotang for Friday; read a book or chapter every night.
*Bring something for Show and Tell on Friday.