Next week is another short week:
Monday: Victoria Day (no school)
Tuesday: Start You and Your Wold Unit
Thursday: Spelling test and hand in homework duotangs
Friday: Annual union meeting (GMTA) and Professional Development session (no school)
Only two weeks of homework duotangs left, so please do your best job, and keep reading every night!
Up coming events:
May 25-29 is Spring Carnival at the school:
May 25: PJ Day
May 26: Opposite Sex Day and Soc Hop from 6-7pm
May 27: Twin Day
May 28: No Pants Day (and last Reading Tutor)
May 29: Hat Day and Fun Day (Inflatables, Movie, hotdogs, etc.)
June 9: K/1 Jones trip to Fredericton to meet with students from Miscou Island
June 11: K-2 trip to the Anchorage
June 15: K/1 Jones and 6 Kilburn (our reading buddies) vist the whale reasearch center and Pettes Cove beach
June 16: PreK Orientation (current kindergarten students stay home that day)
June 17: Graduation
June 19: Last day of school for students