The children really enjoy Fridays because we have reading buddies! Our Reading Buddies are in grade 10, and they help us to finish our work and read us stories. As the year goes on, we will also be able to read to them. 

Kindergarten Homework:
*Finish homework duotang and game by Friday.
*Practice new tricky words (at, that) and review old ones (is, a, mom, dad)
*Practice sounds every night.
*Halloween Night at the Library on Wednesday from 6-7:30
*Happy Birthday to Colby on the 22nd.
*If you know of anyone coming to kindergarten next year, please encourage their parents to come in and register them. We will be having our first "pre K" meeting in November, and the students who are registered will receive their "Welcome to Kindergarten" bags.
*GMCS Cinema presents "Ice Age 3" on Friday night at 7pm.