Monday, February 22, 2010
March Break, Here We Come!
We had a great Day 100 on Friday! The children brought in some wonderful projects, and were happy to share them with their class and friends. Of course, the favorite part of Day 100 is always bouncing the 100 balloons on the parachute.
This week, we are having some dress up days to get us ready for March Break.
Monday: Wear red and white to support Canada.
Tuesday: Backwards Day
Wednesday: Beach Day
Thursday: PJ Day
Friday: Hat Day
Kindergarten Homework:
*Finish homework duotang by Friday. Please send it in early if you get it done early.
*Practice tricky words and sounds.
*Read a book each night and read words in Word Bag (There are only 18 of these, so some children have finished them already.)
Reading Tutor started today for some children in K-2. It will be on Mondays and Wednesdays from 12:30-1:30. Teachers recommended children who either need help getting their homework done, or who just could use the extra one-on-one time with an older student to do some extra reading and practice.
Happy Birthday on Friday to Sierra Brown, and on Saturday to Matthew and Megan Wilcox.
Have a great March Break everyone! Come back rested and happy and ready to finish out the year.
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Day 100 is almost here!
We had a great time last week with Valentine's Day. Thanks for all the wonderful cards!
This week, we can't wait to celebrate Day 100, which will be on Friday! All year, we have been counding up the days of school in anticipation. Please don't forget to bring in your Day 100 project on Wednesday. I can't wait to see what 100 set you have collected, built, drawn, or printed. On Day 100, we will have special activities from recess to noon in each of the classrooms, and then in the afternoon we will go to the gym for special 100 Day activities, after which we will examine all of the Day 100 projects in the cafteria.
Kindergarten Homework:
*Finish homework duotang and game by Friday.
*Read a book each night, and words in your "Word Bag".
*Practice tricky words (like, have, and) and sounds each night.
Elementary Dance is cancelled this week as Ms. Kilburn will be away.
Elementary Drama will be Wednesday from 3-4pm. Hopefully we will get to the end of the play this week! Keep working on memorizing your lines, as we would really like to get rid of the scripts after March Break. Also, don't forget to bring in your $20 registration fee if you haven't already done so.
GMCS Cinema is showing the movie "Planet 51" Friday night at 7pm.
Monday, February 8, 2010
Happy Valentine's Day!

This week we will celebrate Valentine's Day on Friday, with a small party in our home rooms. If you would like to send a snack or drink, I'm sure the children will appreciate it. Please help your child make a valentine for each child in the class. Here are the names again, in case you lost the list: Chantelle, Jaykell, Isabella, Taylor, Olivia, Colby, Bailey, Carson, Matthew, Megan, Gabriel, Mya, Lance, Mia, Henry, Sierra.
This week, we say a warm welcome our new Kindergarten Support Worker, Ms. Cook, as we say a sad good-bye to Mrs. Ingalls. Ms. Cook was actually here most of last week as there was a week overlap between the two grants. We have been very blessed this year to find two great support workers!
As well as bringing in Valentines for Friday, don't forget to start thinking of ideas for your Day 100 project. The project can be anything involving the number 100: collect 100 of something, display 100 of something, make a puzzle with 100 pieces, write a story or poem with 100 words, create 100 math problems, and so on. As long as we don't have any snow days, Day 100 will be on Friday, February 19th. The Day 100 projects should be brought to school by Wednesday, February 17th so that all the children have a chance to present thier projects. A notice went home last week about Day 100, so feel free to join us for any of the special activities during the day if you wish.
Elementary Dance Tuesday from 3-3:45 in Ms. Kilburn's Room.
Elementary Drama Wednesday from 3-4pm on the stage for those involved in Gingerbread Girl.
Kindergarten Homework:
*Finish homework duotang and game by Friday.
*Read a book each night, and the bag of words.
*Practice tricky words (from, by, one) and sounds.
Monday, February 1, 2010
Fabulous February!

Do you think the groundhog will see its shadow?
Kindergarten Homework:
*Finish duotang and game by Friday.
*Practice sounds and tricky words each night: so, my, love
*Read a book each night, and read words in word bag.
*If a book comes home from Reading Club on Monday or Tuesday, you need to read the book and record it in your reading log. Normally, there will be nothing to do in the duotang, unless you have something that did not get finished that day.
Premier's Visit: Tuesday at 10am, to announce the name of the new ferry.
Elementary Dance: Tuesday from 3-3:45 in Ms. Kilburn's Room
Elementary Drama: Wednesday from 3-4pm on the stage.
Show and Tell: Friday at 10:45 for K and at 1:20 for K-2 Jones
Our Valentine's Party will be on Friday, February 12th. I will send home a list of names as soon as the photocopiers are fixed.
Day 100 will be on Friday, February 19th (as long as we don't miss any days.) Please start to think about your Day 100 project (due on teh 17th). Again, a letter will come home as soon as the photocopiers are fixed.
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