Do you think the groundhog will see its shadow?
Kindergarten Homework:
*Finish duotang and game by Friday.
*Practice sounds and tricky words each night: so, my, love
*Read a book each night, and read words in word bag.
*If a book comes home from Reading Club on Monday or Tuesday, you need to read the book and record it in your reading log. Normally, there will be nothing to do in the duotang, unless you have something that did not get finished that day.
Premier's Visit: Tuesday at 10am, to announce the name of the new ferry.
Elementary Dance: Tuesday from 3-3:45 in Ms. Kilburn's Room
Elementary Drama: Wednesday from 3-4pm on the stage.
Show and Tell: Friday at 10:45 for K and at 1:20 for K-2 Jones
Our Valentine's Party will be on Friday, February 12th. I will send home a list of names as soon as the photocopiers are fixed.
Day 100 will be on Friday, February 19th (as long as we don't miss any days.) Please start to think about your Day 100 project (due on teh 17th). Again, a letter will come home as soon as the photocopiers are fixed.