Grade 2 Homework:
*Read a book or chapter each night and record in reading log.
*Finish homework duotang by Friday.
*Practice spelling words for test on Friday (she, with, are, he, funny, more, sip, lip, flip, trip)
Upcoming Events:
*Kindergarten registration for next year is from October 11-14. Contact the office.
*Elementary Drama will begin after Thanksgiving (on October 19th) and will be on Wednesdays from 3-4pm. All students in K-5 are welcome.
*We will have our first show and tell on October 20th, so start thinking of something interesting to bring in.
*October 21st is a curriculum day, so there is no school for students. The teachers will all be in meetings or training sessions that day, some travelling to different parts of the province.
*Our first Welcome to Kindergarten meeting (for next year's kindergarten students and parents) will be on October 26th at 6pm, so please encourage anyone you know to register their child early for kindergarten (students currently in preschool).
*Assembly on October 28th at 1:20pm.
*Halloween events on October 31st - bring your costume to wear in the afternoon.