Monday, September 24, 2007

First week of Fall

Welcome back to school for our first week of fall.

Everyone should have brought home their homework duotang tonight. Please do a little each night, and return it to school by Friday (or earlier if you finish before then). The extra little bit of reinforcement at home really makes a difference!

Kindergarten, don't forget to practice your sounds every night. Can you make any words with the sounds we have learned?

Grade one and two, don't forget to read a book every night and record it in your reading log.

On Friday, we will be having an assembly at 9am. Parents are welcome to come watch if you wish. The kindergarten children will be performing the poems and rhymes that we have learned this month.

On Wedenesday, the Elementary Drama Club will be starting from 3-4pm for students interested in grades K-5. See you on the stage!

For kindergarten, we are almost finished our unit on colors. Try to wear the color of the day if you can:
  • Tuesday: Purple
  • Wednesday: Gray
  • Thursday: Brown
  • Friday: Wear your favorite color.
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