Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Busy Wednesday!

Welcome back to school after your long weekend! We spent the two days listening to a very motivational speaker and then working together to develop a plan to make our school the best it can be.

Great job today and lots of participation in Drama, Soccer and Kids Club.

Picture Retakes will be tomorrow. Please send back the proofs along with $5 if you wish to have retakes done.

*Words of the week: at, that
*Practice your sounds each night. There will be a new sound coming home on Friday this week because it is such a short week.
*Hand in homework duotang and game on Friday. I know it is a short week, so if you need extra time send me a note in the agenda and keep them until Monday. Just please make sure the duotang and game come back on Monday for sure.

Don't forget the Variety show at 7pm on Friday night to raise money for the new sound system and booth in the Great Hall.
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