Monday, May 26, 2008

Last Week for Homework!

This week we are having our last homework duotang in kindergarten, and our last set of tricky words. Great job, everyone! You have learned a lot this year! We will still be reading a book every night until the end of school, and you should continue to practice the tricky words and sounds, especially if you do not know them all yet.

Mrs. Ingersoll started doing the district kindergarten assessment with some of the children today. Each child will spend about half an hour with her, demonstrating skills such as beginning and ending sounds, clapping syllables, reading words, sorting words, naming letters, and naming the sounds. We will also be testing reading levels one more time at the beginning of June, and collecting some independent writing samples.

*Preschool will be coming to visit on Wednesday (I hope!)
*The Assembly this week will be on Thursday (instead of Friday), and one of the RCMP officers will be coming to speak to the students as part of Safe Kids Week.

Kindergarten Homework:
*Finish your homework duotang and game by Friday (remember, this is the last one, so please try to have it in on time and all caught up).
*Read a book every night. There are only a few of you left finishing the word lists (homework writing).
*Practice your tricky words and sounds every night, as well as any math concepts that you still needed to work on, such as counting backwards, counting on, ordinal numbers, dice patterns, etc.
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