Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Fabulous Fall!

Reminders for all:
*Terry Fox Run is on Friday at 1pm. Please bring at least a dollar.
*On Friday we will be having an assembly at 10:45. Parents are welcome if you wish.
*Starting tomorrow, we will not be having toast cart for K-2. Instead, we will have jam or cheese sandwhiches and juice available in Mrs. Wetzel's room for anyone who did not have breakfast. (Starting next week, K-8 will all arrive together and toast cart will be crazy - so we want to do something different for the little guys).
*Return picture money and forms by Monday. They will let us know at a later date when retakes will be.

*Finish homework duotang and game by Friday.
*Kindergarten: practice sounds every night.
*Grade one: read every night and practice spelling words.

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