Monday, November 17, 2008

Report Card Time!

The students had a great time making 3-D masks in art today!

It's that time of year already! Report cards went home with your child today in with their homework duotang. Please send back the envelope (signed) and the slip of paper about parent-teacher interviews - the actual report card and any other inserts are yours to keep.

Parent-Teacher interviews will be Wednesday night from 6:30-8:00 and Thursday morning from 9:00-10:30 (I have to go on the ferry; the other teachers will be available until lunch time). You can e-mail me or send a note in the agenda tomorrow with a request for a time you would like, or stop by and sign up on the notice outside my door, if you would like to come at a particular time.

Elementary Drama Wednesday from 3-4 pm. We will perform our play "A Flea on Santa's Tree" on Wednesday, December 3rd, at 6pm for the public, and then on Thursday morning, December 4th, at 9am for the Elementary School.

The students will not have school on Thursday or Friday, so please try to send homework duotangs back on Wednesday (or brind them with you to parent-teacher interviews if you forget).

Reading bags should be returned to school each day. If you need extra time to finish a book, that is fine, but please send it back each day anyway.

Reminders for next week:
*Bring a teddy bear on Monday.
*Teddy Bear Picnic on Tuesday at 10:45 for my math and communications class.

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