Monday, February 9, 2009

Busy Week Ahead!

There is a lot going on this month, so here are some reminders:
*Wednesday, February 11th -Valentines Party in the afternoon for K-2 (Bring valentines for your homeroom)
*Thursday, February 12th - Bring your Day 100 Project
*Friday, February 13th - There is school! (Meetings cancelled)
*Monday, February 16th - Teachers will start to hear speeches, so have yours ready
*Tuesday, February 17th - Day 100!!!
*Monday, February 23rd - Grade Level Trials for speeches (you will be notified on the 20th if you have made it to the grade level trials - 6-8 children per grade)
*Wednesday, February 25th - Public Speaking Finals (6pm) (Only 3 children per grade)
*Friday, February 27th - Last day before March Break. Have a great week!

Homework for this week is the same as always: Read a book each night; practice tricky words and sounds if you are in kindergarten and study your spelling if you are in grade one; finish homework duotang and game by Friday.
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