Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Amazing April!

It is so nice to see the sun shining and the children outside playing. However, it is still often cold and windy in the playground, so please keep wearing warm clothes and mittens.

Homework this week:
K: *Finish homework duotang and game by Friday.
*Practice tricky words, do homework writing and read a book each night.

1:*Finish homework duotang by Friday.
*Read a book and practice spelling words and math facts each night.

*Practice on Wednesday at 3pm. We only have 2 practices and a dress rehearsal left, so please come!
*There are still a few people who have not brought in their $20.
*We will perform our play "Peggy the Pint Sized Pirate" at GMCS at 6pm on May 5th.
*We will travel to the Drama Festival in Quispamsis on May 7th and perform at 1:30pm.
*We are still in need of more pirate costumes. If you have anything or can borrow anything, please bring it to Mrs. Jones. Thank you!

Upcoming Events:
*April 17: Show and Tell
*April 20: No school (Teachers are in St. Stephen for training sessions>)
*April 22: Variety Show 7pm. Jones' and Mrs. GG's Math and Communications Kids will be singing "Violette").
*April 30: Subject Council (Teachers in PD Sessions at GMCS)
*May 1: Subject Council (Teachers from all of NB are in Moncton to hear some great speakers.)
*May 7: Elementary Drama Festival
*June 9: Mrs. Jones K/1 Class will be travelling to Fredericton to meet with our partner school we have been working with this year from l'Ecole l'Etincelle on Miscou Island. More information will be sent home next week.

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