Monday, September 28, 2009

Fall Colors!

Welcome to a wet and rainy week. Please make sure your child is dressed warmly enough each day, as we will go out whenever we can when the rain lets up.

Thanks to all who sponsered someone or made a donation for the Terry Fox Run. Our K-2 class raised $130! Great job everyone! The student council made a banner to send to Dalton, which we all signed, as well as a video recording from each class. Keep fighting Dalton, we can't wait for you to come back to Grand Manan!

Our unit on colors is almost finished. Here are our white sheep and green frogs.

Gray Squirrel

Kindergarten Homework:
*Finish homework duotang and game by Friday
*Practice sounds every night

Autumn Leaf

*Assembly on Friday, Oct. 2nd, at 1:20pm. Come see us perform our rhymes.
*Book orders due Oct. 7th.
*There is no school for students on October 8th and 9th because of Curriculum Days, and October 12th is Thanksgiving, so you have a 5 day weekend for Thanksgiving!

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