Monday, May 17, 2010

Warm spring days!

Happy Birthday today to Chantelle!

With the weather so nice, the children are often going outside for gym class, so please make sure they wear/bring outdoor sneakers each day (and not just flip flops or sandles).

Kindergarten Homework:
*Finish homework duotang and game by Friday.
*Practice sounds and tricky words (two, four, right)
*Read at least one book each night (All but 3 children have reached 100 books, and 2 children have reached 200 books!)

Upcoming Events:
*May 21: Special guest Laurie Murison in kindergarten to talk about whales.
*May 24: Victoria Day (no school)
*May 25: AGM (Annual General Meeting of the Teacher's Union) (no school)
*May 31-June 4: Spring Carnival

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