Monday, June 21, 2010

Last Week of School!

What a great year it has been! I can't believe it is the last week of school already!

Please look after any missing books or fines you have at the library. If you have any questions, please call (7099) or stop by the library. Also, please sign up for the fun summer program at the library (free bookmark and "passport" to record the books you read), and come out on Tuesday mornings when you are home this summer. Also, if a note was sent home from your teacher, please sign up for the free tutoring program at the library.

This week, we have full days on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday. On Wednesday, students will dismiss at 10:30 so all staff can attend graduation at noon. On Friday, school will dismiss at noon (or you can just come with your mom or dad to get your report card and then go home).

Have a great summer!

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