Monday, October 4, 2010

Let's Be Thankful!

This is a busy short week!

It is Fire Safety Week, so ask your child about what to do if there is a fire, and plan an escape route together. Check out the pictures in the Fire Safety Gazette (Jaykell Cain won Fire Chief for a Day last year!) and be sure to fill out the ballot on the back and send it back to school.

Grade One Homework:
*Read a book each night.
*Practice spelling words (and, from, had, of, was, ran, can, fan, man, plan) for test on Wednesday.
*Finish homework duotang by Wednesday.

Elementary Drama on Wednesday from 3-4pm on the stage.

The school-wide magazine campaign started today and will run until October 18th. K-5 students are not expected to go door-to-door, but we ask that they show their parents and maybe grandparents or other relatives the catalogue, and see if anyone wants to order a magazine. Funds raised help to support events at school, such as our Spring Carnival.

Dates to Remember:
*October 7 & 8: Curriculum Days so no school for students.
*October 11: Thanksgiving Day (no school)
*October 13: Book Orders Due
*October 15: Show and Tell

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