Elementary Drama will be on Wednesday from 3-4pm. We have started work on a short play for December, so please work on memorizing your lines, and come to practice if at all possible. We pland to perform the play on December 1st.
Grade One Homework:
• Read a book each night.
• Practice our spelling words (not, mother, have, like, play, pot, got, lot, hot, slot) and review “ot” word family and short o sound.
• Finish homework duotang by Friday.
Upcoming Events:
• Nov. 10: Remembrance Day service at school at 1:10pm
• Nov. 11: Remembrance Day (no school; service at the school at 10:30am)
• Nov. 12: Isabella's Birthday
• Nov. 15: Report Cards go home (tentatively)
• Nov. 18: Parent-Teacher Interviews in the evening
• Nov. 19: Parent-Teacher Interviews in the morning/PD in the afternoon (no school)
• Nov. 22-26: Pink Anti-Bullying Week
Grade One Homework:
• Read a book each night.
• Practice our spelling words (not, mother, have, like, play, pot, got, lot, hot, slot) and review “ot” word family and short o sound.
• Finish homework duotang by Friday.
Upcoming Events:
• Nov. 10: Remembrance Day service at school at 1:10pm
• Nov. 11: Remembrance Day (no school; service at the school at 10:30am)
• Nov. 12: Isabella's Birthday
• Nov. 15: Report Cards go home (tentatively)
• Nov. 18: Parent-Teacher Interviews in the evening
• Nov. 19: Parent-Teacher Interviews in the morning/PD in the afternoon (no school)
• Nov. 22-26: Pink Anti-Bullying Week