Monday, January 31, 2011

February is here!

Congratulations again to the 20 students who have parts in our new drama play. We will have practice each Wednesday from 3-4pm. The Drama Festival will be held in District 10 this year, and is tentatively scheduled for April 19th and 20th. Please start memorizing your lines!

Grade One Homework:
*Read a book each night.
*Practice spelling words: ride, tide, hide, side, wide, bride, slide, glide, pride, stride.
*Finish homework duotang by Friday.

Upcoming Events:
*French Culture Assembly on February 4th at 10am.
*TNB (Theatre New Brunswick) on February 9th at 9am (Bring $3 if you haven't already).
*Bring Valentines to exchange on February 14th.
*School Improvement Day (half day) on February 16th.
*Show and Tell on February 18th.
*Day 100 will be February 24th if we don't miss any days. Look for a note to come home next week with more details.

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