Report cards will go home tomorrow (Tuesday). Please sign the envelope and the slip about parent-teacher interviews and return them to school ASAP. Everything else that is in the envelope you may keep at home.
Parent-Teacher Interviews will be on Thursday from 6-8pm and Friday morning from 9-11am. A sign-up sheet is posted outside each classroom door to help keep things moving along. I look forward to meeting with you!
Grade One Homework:
*Read a book each night.
*No homework duotang or spelling this week, so please try to read extra! It is also a good time to review any sight words and sounds that you are still struggling with.
Elementary Drama:
*Practice Wednesday from 3-4:30. Only 2 practices left!
*Dress rehearsal will be on Monday, April 18th at 3pm, and we will perform that night at 6:30pm.
Upcoming Events:
*April 4: Book orders due.
*April 5: Report cards go home.
*April 7/8: Parent-Teacher Interviews (no school for students on April 8th)
*April 11-21: Science East will be set up in the library