Monday, March 12, 2012

March Madness!

Welcome back! I hope everyone had a great March Break, and had a chance to relax and spend some family time together.

Happy Birthday this week to Helen, Jaykell and Eli!

Instead of show and tell this month, we will be doing speeches instead. The students only need to do a speech in their classroom, and should pick something that they really like or know about. Think of it like a practiced show and tell! Students may tell about their March Break, about a special birthday or trip they took, or about an animal or sport that they are interested in. The students should have their speeches ready for March 26 and March 2. A few students will have the chance to give their speeches at an assembly on April 5th.

Grade 2 Homework:
*Read a book or chapter each night.
*Finish homework duotang by Friday.
*Start working on your speech.
*Practice spelling words for test on Friday: was, around, tell, eat, think, our, gave, once, back, straw.

Upcoming Events:
*March 23: Collaborative Curriculum Day (no school for students)
*March 26 & 27: Present Speeches in class; Report cards go home.
*March 29 evening: Parent-Teacher Interviews
*March 30: Parent-Teacher Interviews and PD (No school for students)
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