Monday, September 10, 2012

Kindergarten is Fun!

What a wonderful bunch of kindergarten students we have this year! We have only been here 4 days and we have already learned so much! Everyone is fitting in well, learning the class and school routines, and making new friends.

Today we started Jolly Phonics. Each day (Monday to Thursday) we will learn a new sound at school and your child will bring home their sound duotang and book. Please just have them tell you the sounds each night and then return it to school (this should be very quick, but nightly practice has been shown to be the best way for students to learn and retain the sounds).

We also had library today for the first time, so your child is bringing home a library book. This book (and bag) should be returned to school by next Monday, so that they can choose a different book.

The homework duotang is also coming home today and should be returned by Friday. If you are done earlier, feel free to send it back early.

If you know your child is going to be absent for a day (appointment away or something like that) then please send me a note in the agenda a day or two in advance and I will try to send home any sheet work that can be done at home (or on the boat). That will save them having lots to catch up on when they get back.

Upcoming Events:
*Sock Hop Tuesday, September 11th from 6-6:40pm (cost $3)
*Movie Madagascar 3 on Friday, September 14th at 7pm (cost $5)
*Terry Fox School Run September 21st at 1pm.
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