Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Lars Visits our Class

Lars, the school mascot, and the Leadership Class visited our class today to read a couple of stories.

*Practice sounds every night.
*Return library book by Monday.
*Check the September calendar for what color we are doing that day, and try to wear something of the color of the day.
*Thanks to all the parents who sent back the numerous forms last week. I am only waiting for a couple of more forms. If your child was missing a form, there is a note in the Agenda.
Upcoming Events:
*School Terry Fox Run on September 18th. If you sent in the $20 school fee, then you already contributed your $1 to this event. But if you would like to send more money, you are certainly welcome.
*GMCS Cinema presents "Home" (G) on September 18th at 7pm.
*Assembly on September 25th at 12:45pm. Our class will perform a couple of poems.
*September 30th is Blue and Gold day for the whole school, so wear your school colors!
*Show and Tell on September 30th as well.

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