Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Welcome to Week 2!

We practiced Bus Evacuation Monday morning.

This week we have started learning our sounds using Jolly Phonics. Each night (4 days a week), students will bring home their sounds duotang and book. Please just take a couple of minutes each night and have your child tell you the sounds in the books (both using the picture clue in the duotang, and using just the letter in the half scribbler). This is also a good time to review the names of the letters as well.
Upcoming Events:
*Wear the color on the calendar each day this month.
*Meet Lars, our school mascot, on Thursday, Sept. 15th.
*GMCS Cinema presents "Ice Age 5" on Friday, Sept. 16th at 7pm. Cost is $5.
*Terry Fox Run at school on Friday, Sept. 23rd. If you have paid your $20 student fee, this includes a dollar for the Terry Fox run. If you would like to send more you may, but you certainly don't have to.
*Happy Birthday to Connor on Saturday, Sept. 24th.
*Show and Tell on Thursday, Sept. 29th at 1:20pm.
*Assembly on Sept. 30th at 1:20pm (our class will be performing a couple of poems) and wear Blue and Gold (the whole school).

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