Report Cards went home today with your child. Please take the time to read over the report card with your child, and sign the envelope and note about parent-teacher interviews and send them back. You can keep the actual report card and anything else that is in the envelope.
Parent-Teacher Interviews are Wednesday from 6-8pm and Thursday from 9-11am. Remember there is no school on Thursday and Friday for students. They love the fact that they only have 3 days this week, but the teachers still have to go for 5 days!
The Scholastic Book Fair will be going on in the library during Parent-Teacher Interviews.
Please complete the parent perception survey and return it to your child's homeroom teacher in the envelope provided.
Please don't forget to support the two worthy causes that K-2 are sponsoring at this time: change/money to buy books for children in far off lands through World Vision; and small children's toys and toiletries to send to children in Afghanistan at Christmas, through Trevor O'Neill who is a soldier from Grand Manan currently serving in Afghanistan.
Kindergarten Homework is due on Wednesday of this week (Homework duotang - no game this week because it is so short, but some people still need to send back games from last week).
Stop, Look and Listen
Traffic Lights
Mrs. Jones' Class
Mrs. Wetzel's Class
We had lots of fun on June 18th at the Anchorage Park.
On June 16, the new kindergarten students came to school for the day.
On June 15, Mrs. Jones K/1 class and our grade 6 reading buddies from Ms. Kilburn's class went to the Whale Research Center and Pettes Cove Beach.
We had a great trip to Fredericton. It was great to meet our "French Buddies" from L'Ecole Etincelle on Lameque Island. We toured the Legislative Assembly and had our picture taken with our MLA Rick Doucet, enjoyed a picnic lunch at Officer's Square, and had an awesome time at Science East! The children loved all the hands-on science activities and awesome oudoor play area. Thanks to the children for being so well behaved, and to all the parents who helped chaperone. You were a great group to travel with!
Project Title: Educational Technology: A New Age Message In A Bottle
Team Members: Andrew Jones, Robert Griffin,Karen Doiron, Susan Jones, Leanda McQuaid, Patrick Cook
Andrew Jones and a team of colleagues at Grand Manan Community School have a 4 pronged approach that included technology to enhance collaboration and learning in the school. In order to improve literacy rates, staff developed collaborative projects in which Grand Manan students interacted electronically with students from other areas of Canada. The staff implemented the use of Fast ForWord and Destination Reading to improve reading scores. They developed a communications network with homework blogs and a Homework Lunch wiki site so parents knew the work that was not completed. As well, new hardware and software tools were purchased for the school.
No homework this week! But please, keep reading every night (and all summer long!).
Upcoming Events:
June 4: Mr. and Mrs. Jones are in Toronto for the National Technology Conference and Awards Ceremony
June 9: K/1 Jones trip to Fredericton to meet with students from Miscou Island
June 11: K-2 trip to the Anchorage
June 15: K/1 Jones and 6 Kilburn (our reading buddies) vist the whale reasearch center and Pettes Cove beach
June 16: PreK Orientation (current kindergarten students stay home that day)
June 17: Graduation
June 19: Report Cards and last day for Students