Monday, December 8, 2008

Brrr! The Cold Air Has Arrived!

The children are all very excited about the Christmas and the snow. It is very cold on our playground when the wind is blowing, so please make sure your child has lots of warm clothes.

*Read a book each night and record in reading log.
*Finish homework duotang and return homework and game on Friday.
*Kindergarten practice sounds and tricky words each night. We will finish all the sounds this week.
*Grade one practice spelling words for test on Friday.

*Home Hardware is providing a special craft for us to do on Tuesday.
*Show and Tell on Friday (9:45 for homeroom and 10:45 for math and communications)
*No more elementary drama until after Christmas.
*Elementary Christmas Concert December 15th at 1pm.
*Santa Claus movies at the school at 1pm on December 13th - $5.
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