*Kindergarten: practice tricky words and sounds each night; read a book each night; finish homework duotang and game by Friday.
*Grade one: read a book each night; study spelling words; finish homework duotang and game by Friday.
Events This Week:
*Wednesday: Elementary Drama dress rehearsal at 3pm; Drama presentation of "A Flea on Santa's Tree" at 6pm in the Great Hall (the play is only about 10 minutes long); Christmas family activities at the library at 6:15pm. Hope to see you there!
*Thursday: Elementary Drama will present their play one more time for the elementary school at 9am; Let's Talk Science presentations will occur in the morning for elementary students.
Upcoming Events:
*Book orders due December 8th.
*Show and Tell on December 12th.
*Christmas Concert on December 15th at 1pm.
*Middle and High School concert on December 16th.
*Wear blue on December 17th to support anti-bullying.
*Wear Santa Hat on December 18th.
*Last Day for students on December 19th.