Monday, November 16, 2009

Report Card Time!

Report Cards went home today with your child. Please take the time to read over the report card with your child, and sign the envelope and note about parent-teacher interviews and send them back. You can keep the actual report card and anything else that is in the envelope.

Parent-Teacher Interviews are Wednesday from 6-8pm and Thursday from 9-11am. Remember there is no school on Thursday and Friday for students. They love the fact that they only have 3 days this week, but the teachers still have to go for 5 days!

The Scholastic Book Fair will be going on in the library during Parent-Teacher Interviews.

Please complete the parent perception survey and return it to your child's homeroom teacher in the envelope provided.

Please don't forget to support the two worthy causes that K-2 are sponsoring at this time: change/money to buy books for children in far off lands through World Vision; and small children's toys and toiletries to send to children in Afghanistan at Christmas, through Trevor O'Neill who is a soldier from Grand Manan currently serving in Afghanistan.

Kindergarten Homework is due on Wednesday of this week (Homework duotang - no game this week because it is so short, but some people still need to send back games from last week).

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