Monday, November 9, 2009

We Will Remember Them!

Remembrance Day is on Wednesday, November 11th, so there will be no school that day. Please take a moment to talk with your child about why we celebrate Remembrance Day, and about what and who we are remembering. Don't forget the Remembrance Day Service in the Great Hall at 10:30 am on November 11th.

We would like to welcome a new student to our class, Taylor Jacquard. She has just moved here from Nova Scotia.

Happy Birthday to Isabella on November 12th!

Homework for Kindergarten:
*Finish homework duotang and game by Friday.
*Practice sounds and tricky words every night.
*This week we are doing Guided Reading for the first time, so your child will bring home a book to read to you one day this week. Please record the book in their reading log, and help them to answer one question in their reading response journal.

*We are all testing and writing report cards this week, so please be here if at all possible so we can get everything done.
*Report cards will go home on Monday, November 16th.
*Parent-Teacher Interviews will be Wednesday, November 18th from 6-8pm and Thursday, November 19th from 9-11am. In the afternoon of the 19th, and all day the 20th, the teachers have professional development sessions and meetings, so the students have a four-day weekend.
*Don't forget to send in some change for books for childrenat a school in a needy area, sponsered through World Vision.
*We are also trying to collect some small toys, hair accesseries, and other items to send to children in Afghanistan for Christmas. The items will be sent to Trevor O'Neill who is serving in Afghanistan, and he will distribute whatever we send to the children there.

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