Report cards will go home tomorrow with elementary students. Please sign and send back the envelope and the slip that says when you are coming for parent-teacher interviews.
Parent-Teacher Interviews will be on Wednesday night from 6-8pm and on Thursday morning from 9-11am. There is a sign-up sheet outside of teachers' doors to help keep things running smoothly. Feel free to e-mail me or send a note in your child's agenda if you would like me to sign you up for a certain time.
Kindergarten Homework:
*Finish homework duotang and game by Wednesday if at all possible.
*Practice sounds and tricky words (why, where, look)
*Read a book each night and complete homework writing book.
Have a great long Easter Weekend!
Parent-Teacher Interviews will be on Wednesday night from 6-8pm and on Thursday morning from 9-11am. There is a sign-up sheet outside of teachers' doors to help keep things running smoothly. Feel free to e-mail me or send a note in your child's agenda if you would like me to sign you up for a certain time.
Kindergarten Homework:
*Finish homework duotang and game by Wednesday if at all possible.
*Practice sounds and tricky words (why, where, look)
*Read a book each night and complete homework writing book.
Have a great long Easter Weekend!