I hope everyone had a great Easter Break!
Happy Birthday to Mia Greene!
It was nice to see so many of you at Parent-Teacher Interviews. If you didn't get a chance to come in, feel free to call and set up a time to come in.
During French class, we have been looking at some interactive websites that you can also access at home if you wish. The children really enjoy some of the games and stories. http://www.gnb.ca/0000/fsl/links-e.asp
This month, we are learning all about space and the solar system in our kindergarten class.

Kindergarten Homework:
*Read a book each night and complete homework writing.
*Practice tricky words (who, which, with) and sounds.
*Finish homework duotang and game by Friday (Some people still have games at home from the last couple of weeks).
Elementary Drama: Wednesday at 3pm. Please be there! We only have 3 more practices, and then dress rehearsal!
Upcoming Events:
*April 9: Top Cops Reading Program certificates will be presented at 1:15.
*April 21: Fire Marshall Laroche will be back to present Jaykell with a picture collage.
*April 25: Dinner Theatre.
*April 28: Elementary Drama presents our play "Gingerbread Girl" at 6:30pm.
*April 29: Elementary Drama presents our play to K-5 at 9am.
*May 4: Elementary Drama festival in Saint John.
*May 7: Subject Council for teachers, so no school for students.
Happy Birthday to Mia Greene!
It was nice to see so many of you at Parent-Teacher Interviews. If you didn't get a chance to come in, feel free to call and set up a time to come in.
During French class, we have been looking at some interactive websites that you can also access at home if you wish. The children really enjoy some of the games and stories. http://www.gnb.ca/0000/fsl/links-e.asp
This month, we are learning all about space and the solar system in our kindergarten class.

Kindergarten Homework:
*Read a book each night and complete homework writing.
*Practice tricky words (who, which, with) and sounds.
*Finish homework duotang and game by Friday (Some people still have games at home from the last couple of weeks).
Elementary Drama: Wednesday at 3pm. Please be there! We only have 3 more practices, and then dress rehearsal!
Upcoming Events:
*April 9: Top Cops Reading Program certificates will be presented at 1:15.
*April 21: Fire Marshall Laroche will be back to present Jaykell with a picture collage.
*April 25: Dinner Theatre.
*April 28: Elementary Drama presents our play "Gingerbread Girl" at 6:30pm.
*April 29: Elementary Drama presents our play to K-5 at 9am.
*May 4: Elementary Drama festival in Saint John.
*May 7: Subject Council for teachers, so no school for students.