*Read a book each night and purple writing books.
*Practice sounds and tricky words (more, before, of).
*Finish homework duotang and game by Friday.
*Send in any "I LoveKindergarten" t-shirt orders by Friday.
Elementary Drama:
Wednesday at 3pm. This will be our last regular practice. Dress rehearsal and performance next week!
Upcoming Events:
*April 21: Fire Marshall Laroche will be back to present Jaykell with a picture collage.
*April 25: Dinner Theatre featuring middle and high school plays.
*April 28: Elementary Drama presents our play "Gingerbread Girl" at 6:30pm.
*April 29: Elementary Drama presents our play to K-5 at 9am.
*May 4: Elementary Drama Festival in Saint John.
*May 7: Subject Council for Teachers, so no school for students.