Elementary Drama Club will be performing our play, "Gingerbread Girl", Wednesday night at 6:30 pm in the Great Hall. We would love to have you there! Admission is $5 a person or $10 a family.
Building rockets and space ships with blocks.
This week we are finishing our unit on Space. The children have had lots of fun learning about the different planets in our Solar System.
Zoom, Zoom, Zoom
Kindergarten Homework:
*Finish homework duotang and game by Friday.
*Read a book each night, and complete purple writing book.
*Practice sounds and tricky words: other, were, because
Elementary Drama:
*Dress Rehearsal Wednesday at 3pm. Please have full costume as we will be taking pictures at this time.
*Performance at 6pm. Please be here by 6:15pm.
Upcoming Events:
*April 28: Elementary Drama performance 6:30pm.
*May 4: Elementary Drama Festival in Saint John.
*May 7: Subject Council (no school for students).